One to one Yoga and Yoga Nidra Classes
Individual Yoga and Yoga Nidra Tuition
One-to-one classes allow particular needs to be met in a way not possible in a group class. If you can't get to a class, or have a specific condition like back pain, joint pain, chronic stress, anxiety, sleep problems, HBP, recovery from long Covid, illness or grief,  or want guidance creating/maintaining the best home practice for your needs, one to one is recommended.
How it works
If you haven’t attended any classes or workshops with me before, we'll have an initial consultation via phone, Skype, Zoom or Whatsapp, free of charge or obligation. If you decide you would like to work with me, we'll arrange a 1.5 hour lesson. You will need to commit to practicing at home at least 3 times weekly to experience the full benefits of yoga and/or yoga Nidra. The length of your practice sessions depends on individual circumstances and time available; 15 – 30 minutes is a good guide. I recommend a couple of sessions, then when your practice is established we can meet every 4 – 8 weeks, depending on your needs, circumstances and budget – some people find 2 sessions are enough, some have more.
Each 1.5 hour session costs £50.00; 2.0 hours cost £60.00.

You will be provided with clear practice notes and recommendations after each session, and can contact me between sessions for advice if needed.
Two to one yoga tuition
If you would like to share a private yoga class with a relative/friend/partner, that’s fine. All of the info regarding one to one classes applies to two to one classes, the only difference is the price.
1.5 hours £55.00; 2.0 hours £65.00
Health Questionnaire
When you book I'll send you a confidential health questionnaire to complete and return by email. 
It informs me about your health before our first session, and is necessary for insurance purposes. 
May the long time sun
shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you

Guide your way on.  

Incredible String Band