3-month Himalayan tradition 
      immersive online course
In this highly unpredictable and unstable world, the place of peace within us all is predictable and never changes. This state of peace, Turya, the Ground of Being, the Source, whatever your preferred name for it, has always and will always exist; it’s not unique to any religion, philosophy, culture or yoga.

There have always been wise teachers who point us towards the transcendence of duality as our essential nature – unchanging, eternal, pure love. This course aims to share the vision of some of these artists and sages – musicians, yogis, philosophers, painters, mystics and saints – as they point us to our true nature through their sublime work.

Homage to the also to the Himalayan tradition practice of Yoga Nidra, which takes us to that place of boundless awareness, where “you” and “I” disappear. Possibly the most reliable method to bring you to the ground of being – like an accurate Satnav which guides us home without any unwanted detours. 

Mystics, saints, yogis, poets, and artists have for centuries reflected on their inner journeys to the source; regardless of era, culture, faith, education, or external conditions they agree that silence and stillness are required.

Course aims: 
To deepen your understanding and experience of Himalayan Tradition Yoga Nidra, and/or revive your practice if it has lapsed:) 

To remind you that the state of peace, Turya, the ground of being, the Source, whatever your preferred name for it, has always and will always exist. It's not unique to any religion, philosophy, culture or yoga. 

Course outline
Daily practice of YN, or minimum 5 days weekly 

Immersion in the writings and teachings of Swami Rama, Rumi, Douglas Harding, John O'Donohue, David Carse, Mooji and many other teachers, poets, saints, musicians and artists as they describe the ground of being, the place where 'you' and 'I' disappear.

3-month duration, 2 modules spaced 6 weeks apart. 

Course content
3 assignments per module, all relating to your practice and how it is evolving.  

Research and references to many great teachers, ancient and modern. Resources are a range of written, audio and video. 

2 Himalayan tradition Yoga Nidra recordings.
Who is the course for?

Anyone wanting to deepen their practice of Yoga Nidra, or to discover it for the first time. You don’t need to be a yoga teacher or therapist of any kind, just someone wanting to relax deeply, go beyond thoughts, memories and images to the place of boundless awareness, where “you” and “I” disappear.

The assignments are about your practice and your responses to it; none of them are about teaching, theory or lesson planning.  

"Recognize that unlearning is the highest form of learning" 

  “These bodies are known to have an end. The Dweller in the body is eternal, imperishable, infinite.” 

Bhagavad Gita, Verse 18.11
