The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, de-cluttering, downsizing

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, de-cluttering, downsizing

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, de-cluttering, downsizing – whatever you call it, means sorting our personal belongings and affairs before we die, so loved ones don’t have to clean up after us when we are dead. They will have some administrative duties regarding winding up your estate, but not the additional burden of dealing with your clutter, as they come to terms with their grief.

Death cleaning means loved ones inherit only essentials, and items they love - the nice things, not all things.  Margareta Magnusson recommends keeping  whatever makes life pleasant and comfortable. 

This practice usually applies to later in life, but it can be relevant at any age when clutter has started to accumulate. It helps to consider the true value of items as you sort through them. Ask yourself if you didn’t have this object, would you immediately go out and buy another? Does it make me happy when I see it/use it?

Letting go of a lifetime of belongings takes time, but it gets much easier with practice; first attempts may be cautious, a bit weedy, but the process speeds up with each cupboard/drawer/box. The pile to keep or give to loved ones often ends up being considerably smaller than the pile to give to charity or the tip.

Don't feel guilty about not keeping presents forever! Feeling grateful when you get a present is wonderful, but it doesn’t mean you (or your loved ones) are bound to keep it forever more:)  All things must pass.

The same applies to cards, letters and memorabilia – do you look through them regularly with a smile?  Or are they shut away in a cupboard, ignored for years? With the right mindset, it’s possible to decide in a flash which of these things you’ll keep - perhaps memories of milestones, joyful times, meaningful correspondence. By the time you finish, what remains will be cherished, and a fraction of the original pile.

This online death cleaning and yoga nidra course provides practical mental and emotional support, strategies and motivation to help you on your way.

"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication". Leonardo da Vinci

 “Our essential nature is boundless consciousness.  We are rooted in it when the mind focuses and settles.” 

Yoga Sutras 1.3
